Smartphones and tablets are as common as chocolate bars today. Just as common is to see someone using their mobile device to search the internet. Nothing is more frustrating than to find the information that you need, but it will not display properly because the site is not formatted for use on a mobile device. To bring home how many sales your business could be losing all you need do is read the results of a recent Google study into the need for mobile friendly websites. The study shows that 72 percent of consumers are more likely to revisit a mobile friendly site. Other than the possibility of losing three-quarters of your potential customers, here are the top reasons to offer a mobile friendly website to your clientele.

mobile sitesMore Purchases

According to the same Google study mentioned above, 67 percent of the those polled said they were more likely to buy from a mobile friendly site. That makes sense…you’re on the site looking to buy, so you will if the site displays correctly. Sixty-one percent of those respondents also said that they would not revisit a site from a laptop or desktop if it had not displayed on a mobile device. They also indicated that they would feel ”distrust of an entire brand” because of a poor mobile experience.

Fill Immediate Needs

The majority of people who perform a local mobile search for a product or service are doing so to fill an immediate need. Added to that is the fact that most searchers do not scroll past the first page of results. If your website is not properly built and promoted, you face losing any chance to secure this ”must buy now” traffic.

Potential Customer Base

The bottom line is your bottom line. Google statistics show that mobile devices account for ten percent of all internet traffic. By 2015 that is expected to grow to at least twenty percent. According to the same set of stats, mobile traffic generated $6.7 billion in sales last year, with an estimated growth to $31 billion by 2015. With 800,000 smartphones activated each day and PC sales dipping, can you really afford to not have a mobile friendly website?

Convinced? If so, Borelli Designs can help you develop a mobile friendly website and an online advertising strategy that will catapult you to the top of the search engine results for your niche. In the Allentown, PA area you can call 610-898-3309 for a free initial consultation.